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Requirement of Membership and Certification by ACPOP™

The Association of Certified Procurement & Operations Professionals ™ ACPOP allows certification for individuals with qualifying education or experience.

To achieve Certification candidates must:

  1. Have completed and obtained a college/university degree with an accredited university / tertiary education program; or
  2. Demonstrate extensive experience in their field
  3. Fully attend an ACPOP approved Executive Certification Training Programs via an ACPOP approved Partner. Candidates who miss any sessions and/or days of an approved Executive Certification Training Program will NOT become certified
  4. Participate and interact effectively in the ACPOP Approved Executive Certification Training Program Case Studies and Course
  5. Pass the ACPOP Approved Executive Certification Training Program Examination

All rights reserved 2003-2013 Association of Certified Procurement & Operations Professionals LimitedTM

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